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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Weak form of e-m duality.cmap, WEAK FORM OF ELECTRIC-MAGNETIC DUALITY (WFED) 3. Consequences of WFED: a) If j.A term in Kähler action vanishes, Kähler action reduces to 3-D boundary terms at the ends of CD and at worm- hole throats. If WFED holds true, Kähler action reduces to Chern-Simons terms. Comment: The vanishing of j.A leads to proposal that Minkowskian preferred extremals consist of regions representing massless states moving with light velocity along curvilinear orbits. b) Effective 2-dimensionality and almost topological QFT results in accordance with strong form of holography. c) Good hopes about calcula- bility of TGD: no need to know the details of the pre- ferred extremal in its interior., WEAK FORM OF ELECTRIC-MAGNETIC DUALITY (WFED) 4. WFED inspires some con- jectures in elementary particle physics. a) Elementary particles correspond to string like objects. Kähler magnetic flux tubes carrying mono- pole fluxes at parallel spa- cetime sheets with worm- hole contacts connecting their ends. These are ac- companied by string world sheets carrying spinor mo- des. b) Hadrons would involve similar color magnetic flux tubes in hadronic scale and connecting valence quarks. Carry most of the energy of baryons: quarks give only a small contribution., WEAK FORM OF ELECTRIC-MAGNETIC DUALITY (WFED) 2. Motivations for weak form of e-m duality. a) Self-duality for CP_2 Kähler form. Kähler form defines self-dual monopo- le field with identical Käh- ler electric and magnetic charges (dyon). b) One should fix bo- undary conditions at wormhole throats at which induced metric changes signature and has vanishing determi- nant. c) WFED requiring that the values of Kähler electric field and Kähler magnetic field at parto- nic 2-surfaces could allow to achieve this. d) The condition can be generalized that it is also true at space-like 3-sur- faces at the ends of CD and at light-like worm- hole throats., WEAK FORM OF ELECTRIC-MAGNETIC DUALITY (WFED) 1. Background: a) Montonen-Olive: Electric-magnetic duality for N=4 SUSY. States essentially that one obtains a theory physically equivalent with the original one when one replaces gau- ge coupling g with 1/g. b) Applies in 4-D N=4 supersymmetric gauge theory. There actually exists larger SL(2,Z) symmetry where g and theta angle trasnform non-trivially. c) One can introduce complex coupling τ=θ/2π+i4πi/g^2 trans- forming as τ→(aτ+b)/(cτ+d) under SL(2,Z).